Red carpet ready Pageant gowns
With the pageant season approaching, we know lot of anxious models looking for pageant gowns for presenting their best look for the beauty pageant for 2016-2017. To ensure the look is as glam as possible, we at AD SINGH have launched a special line of Red carpet ready Pageant Gown dresses.
But before we get into details of our new line of pageant dresses and gowns here are few things you need to have in your pageant dress.
- Sexy as F**K: this is the number one goal of any pageant dress, it needs to be classy and sexy to perfection. after all when you hit the runway with the dress, the dress should be flattering and should enhance your look and curvy bodies to make the first impact.
- slim fitting and bodycon: As far as possible stick to glamorous skin fitting or body con gowns, not only do they show case your figure to glory but also look glam and make you look like a leggy lass on the ramp. “Leggy Lass” meaning hot favourite among almost all the branding sponsors. Avoid full bounce can can gowns s they won’t highlight your figure at all.
- Go Bling: Wether you like it or not, Bling will set the ting on the audience and make you an impression and impact when you land on stage with your blond on dress. Only note the Bling should be classy and not OTT.
- Cuts: try and get glamorous cuts in your pageant dress which could be high slits, sexy backs or bit a of sheer style here and there.
- Colours: go for classic colours like black, gold, nude or royal blue & silver these look great in pics and also look stunning when wore on the ramp specially with those zillion lights that follow you up.
Sneak Peek into our Pageant gown dresses? :
Hell Yes. Here is a sneak peek into our new collection which is available for sale at super affordable prices. so go ahead and rule the pageants in our Signature Red Carpet ready Pageant gowns by AD SINGH
Pageant Dress
Pageant gown
Pageant gowns
Pageant dress gold