Embroidery Inspiration with Quilling
Recently i cam across this craft tutorial on youtube called quilling. So i thought why not try a hand at using this technique for embroidery representations. but firstly what is quilling? according to wikipedia here is what quilling is.
Quilling or paper filigree is an art form that involves the use of strips of paper that are rolled, shaped, and glued together to create decorative designs. The paper is rolled, looped, curled, twisted and otherwise manipulated to create shapes which make up designs to decorate greetings cards, pictures, boxes, eggs, and to make models, jewelry, mobiles etc. These items can all be used as thoughtfully designed gifts which many people would highly appreciate. Quilling starts with rolling a strip of paper into a coil and then pinching the coil into shapes that can be glued together. There are advanced techniques and different sized paper that are used to create 3D miniatures, abstract art, and quilled flowers among many thing.
Some of the creations using quilling
Quilling embroidery sample 1
Quilling embroidery sample 2
Quilling embroidery sample 3