AD Singh Account verified on Twitter
Every one in the fashion industry and all our patrons who follow us on social media knew that the brand and label AD SINGH is verified on twitter (@adsinghdesigns). The good news for the year end is AD SINGH himself who has his own twitter account ad_singh received the blue check mark or verified. AD SINGH or AD as he is lovingly called is known for his outspoken and humorous tweets. We are glad twitter noticed and Verified AD SINGH account on twitter.
What it means to AD to be verified on twitter
“Twitter is an amazing platform and we have always been using it to connect with our clients and fashion bloggers and audience for our label AD SINGH Designs. We use the twitter account @adsinghdesigns which represents the brand AD SINGH to connect with all audiences. I love twitter myself and take pride in connecting with my friends and sharing humorous tweets on current affair on my personal handle @ad_singh. Getting verified means imp recognised authentic and all friends and followers can connect with me” – AD SINGH

Here are some of AD’s tweets on twitter:
On wishing everyone New years along with a Note from PM MODI.
Mitron from tonight 2000 ….
— A.D (@ad_singh) December 31, 2016
On Wishing everyone a new year in an animated video.
Happy new year Mitron😜 one of the best greeting 🙂 #2017
— A.D (@ad_singh) December 31, 2016
Some Share worthy advice on twitter for 2017.
This is the only thing you shud follow in 2017!
— A.D (@ad_singh) December 30, 2016
On feeling super Proud when Sikhs in NYC are permitted to wear Turbans and beards as cops.
Yea BC! Sikhs rock ! More power to all my brothers
— A.D (@ad_singh) December 29, 2016
If you wish to follow AD SINGH and celebrate life with him slog his humorous tweets and insightful advice from time to time, plus you also get a dose of whats in fashion etc from the guru himself, be sure to follow him on twitter by hitting the follow button straight. or by visiting AD SINGH’s twitter profile.