5 Fashion Tips to beat Mumbai Rains
Its raining cat and dog in Mumbai and with the onset of july we all know the rains are just going to get more torrential. To make sure you still remain fashionable, here are 5 Fashion Tips to beat Mumbai rains
- Wear quick dry fabric clothing: you never know when it will rain, since its unpredictable make sure you wear clothes which are made of light fabrics, that dry up soon. Heavy fabrics such as knit tend to store the water when they get wet, hence it will take time to dry and also make you feel sticky and uncomfortable and could also lead to common cold.
- Carry an Umbrella or raincoat: It sure might look like a sunny day, but you know its rainy season, so please don’t forget to carry an umbrella or even better a rain coat. A full cover raincoat is awesome. Although its a little difficult to manage to wear it but then it does give you almost 95% protection from rain water! Honestly i love them and now day you get some very fancy ones online on amazon and other websites.
- No Make up in Mumbai Rains: Avoid make up in these torrential rains. You don’t want the rain water roll a tributary or stream of its own on your face via the heavy make up you have applied! This also looks tacky and could create itchiness on the skin. Infact go natural and stay fresh, let the rain water splash you face, you will love it trust me on this!
- Shoes. Wear Proper footwear: Avoid sneakers or heavy footwear in torrential Mumbai rains. the water seeps in, how much ever you try to save your foot from water. This damages the sole of the shoe, also makes its damp causing a foul stink and is also not healthy for your personal hygiene. After all no ones wants sticky feet! Ewww. Besides it can lead to common cold, fever as well. Wear crocs, rainy shoes, but my fav are gumboots. Ok i agree they look funny but come on they keep you nice and dry!
- Wear Calf length clothing: Wear calf length clothing. Say no to jeans, long dresses, long trousers etc. Opt for simple calf length capris, shorts, hot pants etc. They will remain dry and also prevent your legs from aching near the ankles due to rain water seeping int he fabric. Also all you need is a tissue or a small towel that can help you dry your legs in a matter of minutes.
If you can think of any more tips to beat the Mumbai rains, do let me know in your comments below! Till then enjoy the mumbai rains and follow the above 5 fashion tips to beat Mumbai Rains.
Mumbai rains