10 Things to do this Dhanteras 2016
Dhanteras is the first day of the Diwali festival. Dhanteras marks the entry of goddess Laxmi into your home and brings wealth, happiness and prosperity. Almost every Indian across the globe celebrates DHANTERAS buy buying gold, investing in bonds or pure luxury shopping. Its considered auspicious so many people look forward for this day to purchase property, cars, gold anything they attach significance as a matter of fact even the iPhone 7 🙂
Here are 10 things you must do in Dhanteras to make your life better.
- Invest in your own fitness: the secret to a happy life is a healthy life. So eat well, exercise regularly and stay healthy. TO enjoy your money you need to be healthy else you will be spending it on chasing diseases.
- Sleep Well: Â A good night sleep is equally important to have a next good day. Sleep well relax and leave your worries.
- Forgive: Dont carry baggage, ill feeling and forgive. Everyone is not as good as you, keep that in mind. But be the change by not reacting. Forgive fast and move on.
- Dont stress: What has to happen will happen, you cannot change it. SO don’t take stress. Live every moment and believe all will be well. After ever storm is a new horizon and a clear sky.
- Believe in GOD: Pray everyday, even if its for 5 minutes. It helps you connect with the almighty. When nothing works remember you have god by your side.
- Set Goals: Life is pretty mundane if you have no goals, no aspirations. So go have goals, work to achieve them.
- Work Hard: Life is great when you work hard, to achieve a better life remember to work hard. everything you desire can be achieve with hard work. And you are never given a dream without being given the power to make it come true.
- Spend time with family: quality family time will always give you happiness. Spend time with your parents, grand parents, kids, cousins everyone. Balance your life with your family. Family is your support system and they will always be there to back you.
- SAVE: Learn to Save everything for the future. Water energy and wealth. Money is equally important for your retirement. You cannot live a fulfilling old age with just happiness, you surely need some money to support yourself.
- SHOP: all work and no play makes life a dull boy. urge yourself to shop, buy anything you like pamper your self. After all what ver you desire will make you work hard to earn it. Materialistic things do bring enough satisfaction and at times make you happy. You ar eliding only once so make sure live life King Size.
On this note wish you all a very happy Dhanteras 2016
dhanteras 2016